
Security v. Trust

我本來想,寫完 Subrosa 2.0.0 之前先不要寫部落格的,但是最後發現沒辦法,因為我現在心裡覺得很毛,就像奇異果那樣。

很久以前,Hiawatha Webserver (一個以安全著稱的網頁伺服器軟體) 的作者寫了一篇部落格文章,其中提到他個人對 "Security v. Trust" 的看法,讓我感到非常同意。

"Security begins where trust ends. I trust my wife, I trust my family, I trust my friends. Of course, my wife has a key to our home, but without any doubt I would give the key to our home to any family member or a friend if it was needed in any situation. There is no need for me to take any security measures. Trust is needed to make life easier. Of course, I don't give the key to our home to a complete stranger, because I can't trust them. That's where security starts."


"Trust is mainly based on experience, your own experience or experience by other people you already trust. I trust my friends, because in the past they've shown me to be trustworthy. People who have once abused that trust are no longer my friends. I trust my friends' judgement, so there is also some form of trust towards the friends of my friends."

從小我就一直不太容易信任別人,因為人會改變、人不可靠。寫程式則正好相反,不管你寫的東西是對或錯,編譯器都會很誠實的告訴你;不管執行結果是對或錯,作業系統也會很誠實的告訴你。但是現實世界不像虛擬世界這麼簡單,這就是我喜歡 GSX-401FW Stargazer Gundam 的原因,他總是抬著頭望向遠方的群星,無視週遭的紛擾不斷前進,雖然孤獨的完成任務,但是至少有群星陪伴,而不是靠不住的人。

我曾經對人的諾言、誓約覺得無感,就像前面所說的,因為 "People have once abused that trust from me.",我很難過。然而,太陽的出現讓我嘗試著重拾對人的信心,我也希望尋回自己遺落已久的信任,奉獻給唯一的太陽。這麼做有風險,卸下銅牆鐵壁的防禦工事的我無法承受這份信任被再次濫用。為什麼還要這麼做? 因為我是大笨蛋啊。


#eresmiunicosol #tequiero
