
Solar Eclipse

2009 Total Solar Eclipse: The Longest of the 21st Century

On Wed., July 22, 2009, a total eclipse of the sun will be visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the eclipse begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma) and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean. This is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur during the 21st century, and will not be surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds.

......擷取自 NASA.gov

2009 年 7 月 22 日,是天文學上一個重要的日子--本世紀最長的日全蝕,最長達 6 分 39 秒。一直要到 2132 年才會被超越。哇靠,沒看到就太可惜了! 今天早上看來雲沒有很多,因此滿懷期待的前往學校觀賞這難得一件的奇觀。

原本拆掉了 2 片 3.5 磁碟片,拿裡面的磁帶當成遮光工具,不過學校現場也準備了市立天文台提供的看日蝕專用眼鏡。磁碟片的磁帶試用結果也很不錯喔,大約 8:20 左右初虧、一直到 9:40 食甚,雖然只是日偏蝕,不過這樣的景象已經很壯觀啦。有的時候,會有一些厚度剛好的雲飄過,剛剛好擋住太陽刺眼的亮光,可以用眼睛直接觀看,這時街上有好多駕駛、騎士、行人都在乘機瞄缺角、有點像彎月的太陽呢!


(在 Flickr 上找到的照片,由科學探險隊 SAROS 拍攝)

1 comment:

KUO said...
