
Boom De Ya Da

最近 Discovery 頻道推出的節目推廣影片 (在國外似乎好幾個月前就有了?!)--"Boom De Ya Da!"

雖然是一段廣告,但我覺得真是一大傑作,不僅令人聽了聞 "歌" 起舞,更包含保護地球的重要意涵: The World Is Just Awesome! 地球是如此的美麗,但我們可以一起合作,使它變得更美好!

It never gets old huh?
It kinda makes you wanna... break into song?
I love the mountains
I love the clear blue skies
I love big bridges
I love when great whites fly
I love the whole world
And all its sights and sounds
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
I love the ocean
I love real dirty things
I love to go fast
I love egyptian kings
I love the whole world
And all its craziness
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
I love tornadoes
I love Arachnids
I love hot magma
I love the giant squids
I love the whole world
It's such a brilliant place
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da
Boom De Ya Da


Anonymous said...

我最愛看流言終結者MYTH BUSTER

Stargazer Wang said...

啊!!! 原來你也喜歡看 Discovery! 終於有同好了!

附註: 你來的時間不對 (晚上 10:30),那時候我的部落格有點狀況 (有一條垂直的藍線貫穿我的部落個頁面,因此我把模板還原成預設值後再重建),大約到晚上 10:45 才完成,所以那時你看到的應該是有問題的版本......