第 10 頁: 怪物模式 (Page 10: TOMA Mode)

反恐特勤隊特別版 4.0 說明頁面 (Documentation of TOSE 4.0)
--第 10 頁: 怪物模式 (Page 10: TOMA Mode)

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玩家必須消滅無窮無盡、不斷入侵的怪物大軍,同時試圖在戰鬥中存活下來,才能確保地球的安全。如果人類存活到最後一刻,則人類方獲勝;如果人類被怪物全數消滅,則怪物方獲勝。怪物模式總共擁有超過 80 種不同的怪物,依照它們的出現方式可以分為普通怪物和隨機怪物。當擊殺怪物時,可能會掉落一些有用的物品提供玩家收集。

遊戲影片 1


參考「第 08 頁: 伺服器 (Page 08: Server)」。



  • Baby Cow
  • Cow
  • Nali
  • Nali Priest
  • Fly
  • Pupae
  • Devilfish
  • Squid
  • Tentacle
  • Cave Manta
  • Manta
  • Giant Manta
  • Gasbag
  • Giant Gasbag
  • Lamprey
  • Slith
  • Legless Krall
  • Krall
  • Krall Elite
  • Mercenary
  • Mercenary Elite
  • Lesser Brute
  • Brute
  • Behemoth
  • Skaarj Assassin
  • Skaarj Berserker
  • Skaarj Gunner
  • Skaarj Ice
  • Skaarj Infantry
  • Skaarj Lord
  • Skaarj Officer
  • Skaarj Scout
  • Skaarj Sniper
  • Skaarj Trooper
  • Skaarj Warrior
  • Warlord
  • Titan
  • Stone Titan
  • Queen


隨機怪物是以固定週期的方式出現。當隨機怪物出現時,有 75% 的機率會出現一隻隨機怪物,其中隨機怪物依照稀有程度分為常見、少見、稀有、非常稀有、傳說共 5 種,出現機率分別為 25%、20%、15%、10%、5%;剩下 25% 的機率會出現一波大量、特定種類的隨機怪物,此時隨機怪物的出現不受稀有程度影響。隨機怪物列表如下。

  • 常見怪物

    • Ant
    • Facehugger
    • Imp
    • King Cobra
    • Predator
    • Quake Zombie
    • Scorpion
    • Shadow Spider
  • 少見怪物

    • Arachnid Guardian
    • Arachnid Jumper
    • Arachnid Light
    • Arachnid Warrior
    • Legless Krall Ancestor
    • Krall Ancestor
    • Quake Knight
    • Spinner Spider
    • Zombie
  • 稀有怪物

    • Arachnid Juggernaut
    • Brute Ancestor
    • Cyborg
    • Insect
    • Maiden Spider
    • Quake Demon
  • 非常稀有怪物

    • Alien Queen
    • Baby Brachiosaur
    • Baby Triceratops
    • Baby Tyrannosaur
    • Brachiosaur
    • Dilophosaur
    • Gallimimus
    • Parasaurolophus
    • Pterosaur
    • Stegosaur
    • Triceratops
    • Tyrannosaur
    • Velociraptor
    • Young Tyrannosaur
  • 傳說怪物

    • Dragon
    • Giant Alien Queen
    • Legless Super Zombie
    • Super Zombie


當擊殺普通怪物時,有 75% 的機率會掉落生命藥水,剩下 25% 的機率不會掉落任何物品。當擊殺隨機怪物時,有 75% 的機率會掉落物品,其中掉落物品依照稀有程度分為常見、少見、稀有、非常稀有、傳說共 5 種,出現機率分別為 25%、20%、15%、10%、5%;剩下 25% 的機率不會掉落任何物品。掉落物品列表如下。

  • 常見物品

    1. Health Vial: 恢復 5 點生命。
    2. Health Pack: 恢復 20 點生命。
    3. Force Field: 使用後,產生一個無法穿透的圓柱形力場,持續一段時間。
    4. Seed: 使用後,生長成 Nali Fruit。
    5. Bandage: 恢復 5 點生命。
    6. Flare: 使用後,照亮附近區域,持續一段時間。
    7. Health Pack: 恢復 20 點生命。
    8. Nali Fruit: 恢復生命,恢復量隨著生長時間而增加。
  • 少見物品

    1. Big Keg O' Health: 恢復 100 點生命。
    2. Asbestos Suit: 持有者完全不會受到燃燒傷害而且不會用盡。持有者受到燃燒以外的傷害減少為 50%,吸收 50 點傷害之後用盡。
    3. Toxin Suit: 持有者完全不會受到毒液傷害而且不會用盡。持有者受到毒液以外的傷害減少為 50%,吸收 50 點傷害之後用盡。
    4. Assault Vest: 持有者受到的傷害減少為 10%,吸收 100 點傷害之後用盡。
    5. Kevlar Suit: 持有者受到的傷害減少為 20%,吸收 100 點傷害之後用盡。
    6. Super Health Pack: 恢復 100 點生命。
    7. Body Armor: 持有者受到的傷害減少為 25%,吸收 100 點傷害之後用盡。
    8. Thigh Pad: 持有者受到的傷害減少為 50%,吸收 50 點傷害之後用盡。
  • 稀有物品

    1. Damage Amplifier: 持有者造成的傷害增加為 300%,持續一段時間。
    2. Invisibility: 持有者變成隱形,持續一段時間。
    3. Shield Belt: 持有者完全不會受到任何傷害,吸收 100 點傷害之後用盡。
    4. M60: M60 機槍。
    5. Parker Hale 85: Parker Hale 85 狙擊槍。
    6. Shield Belt: 持有者完全不會受到任何傷害,吸收 100 點傷害之後用盡。
  • 非常稀有物品

    1. Redeemer Missile Launcher: 救贖者飛彈發射器。
    2. M4M203: M4M203 步槍。
    3. OICW: OICW 步槍。
    4. Power Shield: 持有者完全不會受到任何傷害,吸收 200 點傷害之後用盡。
  • 傳說物品

    1. Might Power Up: 持有者造成的傷害永久增加,直到死亡。
    2. Quicken Power Up: 持有者的跳躍高度和移動速度永久增加,直到死亡。
    3. Shield Power Up: 持有者受到的傷害永久減少,直到死亡。
    4. Vitality Power Up: 持有者的生命自動恢復,直到死亡。




In order to defend the Earth, players need to eliminate endless waves of invading monsters while trying to stay alive. If humans survive to the last, human side is declared victorious. If humans are eliminated by monsters, monster side is declared victorious. There are over 80 different kinds of monsters in TOMA mode. Monsters are classified into normal and random monsters by how they are spawned in the map. When monsters are killed, some useful items may be dropped for players to collect.

Gameplay Compilation Vol. 1

Play the Game Mode

See "第 08 頁: 伺服器 (Page 08: Server)".

Normal Monsters

Normal monsters are spawned in waves. A new wave of monsters is spawned as soon as the total number of monsters is below a certain threshold. The order of appearance is roughly determined by their difficulty. List of normal monsters is as the following.

  • Baby Cow
  • Cow
  • Nali
  • Nali Priest
  • Fly
  • Pupae
  • Devilfish
  • Squid
  • Tentacle
  • Cave Manta
  • Manta
  • Giant Manta
  • Gasbag
  • Giant Gasbag
  • Lamprey
  • Slith
  • Legless Krall
  • Krall
  • Krall Elite
  • Mercenary
  • Mercenary Elite
  • Lesser Brute
  • Brute
  • Behemoth
  • Skaarj Assassin
  • Skaarj Berserker
  • Skaarj Gunner
  • Skaarj Ice
  • Skaarj Infantry
  • Skaarj Lord
  • Skaarj Officer
  • Skaarj Scout
  • Skaarj Sniper
  • Skaarj Trooper
  • Skaarj Warrior
  • Warlord
  • Titan
  • Stone Titan
  • Queen

Random Monsters

Random monsters are spawned periodically at a fixed time interval. There is a 75% probability that a random monster is spawned, with common, uncommon, rare, very rare and legendary monsters taking up 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% probability, respectively. There is a remaining 25% probability that a wave of specific random monsters is spawned. When this is the case, the appearance of random monsters is not affected by their rarity. List of random monsters is as the following.

  • Common Monsters

    • Ant
    • Facehugger
    • Imp
    • King Cobra
    • Predator
    • Quake Zombie
    • Scorpion
    • Shadow Spider
  • Uncommon Monsters

    • Arachnid Guardian
    • Arachnid Jumper
    • Arachnid Light
    • Arachnid Warrior
    • Legless Krall Ancestor
    • Krall Ancestor
    • Quake Knight
    • Spinner Spider
    • Zombie
  • Rare Monsters

    • Arachnid Juggernaut
    • Brute Ancestor
    • Cyborg
    • Insect
    • Maiden Spider
    • Quake Demon
  • Very Rare Monsters

    • Alien Queen
    • Baby Brachiosaur
    • Baby Triceratops
    • Baby Tyrannosaur
    • Brachiosaur
    • Dilophosaur
    • Gallimimus
    • Parasaurolophus
    • Pterosaur
    • Stegosaur
    • Triceratops
    • Tyrannosaur
    • Velociraptor
    • Young Tyrannosaur
  • Legendary Monsters

    • Dragon
    • Giant Alien Queen
    • Legless Super Zombie
    • Super Zombie


When a normal monster is killed, there is a 75% probability that a health vial will be dropped. Otherwise, nothing will be dropped. When a random monster is killed, there is a 75% probability that an item will be dropped, with common, uncommon, rare, very rare and legendary items taking up 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% probability, respectively. Otherwise, nothing will be dropped. List of items is as the following.

  • Common Items

    1. Health Vial: Restores 5 points of health.
    2. Health Pack: Restores 20 points of health.
    3. Force Field: Upon activation, creates a cylindrical and impenetrable barrier for a short period of time.
    4. Seed: Upon activation, grows into Nali Fruit.
    5. Bandage: Restores 5 points of health.
    6. Flare: Upon activation, lights up nearby area for a short period of time.
    7. Health Pack: Restores 20 points of health.
    8. Nali Fruit: Restores health with amount depending on the time since germination.
  • Uncommon Items

    1. Big Keg O' Health: Restores 100 points of health.
    2. Asbestos Suit: Carrier is invulnerable to burn damage and it does not become depleted. For other types of damage, carrier only receives 50% of damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 50 points of damage.
    3. Toxin Suit: Carrier is invulnerable to toxin damage and it does not become depleted. For other types of damage, carrier only receives 50% of damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 50 points of damage.
    4. Assault Vest: Carrier only receives 10% of damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 100 points of damage.
    5. Kevlar Suit: Carrier only receives 20% of damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 100 points of damage.
    6. Super Health Pack: Restores 100 points of health.
    7. Body Armor: Carrier only receives 25% of damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 100 points of damage.
    8. Thigh Pad: Carrier only receives 50% of damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 50 points of damage.
  • Rare Items

    1. Damage Amplifier: Carrier's damage is amplified to 300% for a short period of time.
    2. Invisibility: Carrier becomes invisible for a short period of time.
    3. Shield Belt: Carrier is invulnerable to any damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 100 points of damage.
    4. M60: M60 machine gun.
    5. Parker Hale 85: Parker Hale 85 sniper rifle.
    6. Shield Belt: Carrier is invulnerable to any damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 100 points of damage.
  • Very Rare Items

    1. Redeemer Missile Launcher: Redeemer missile launcher.
    2. M4M203: M4M203 rifle.
    3. OICW: OICW rifle.
    4. Power Shield: Carrier is invulnerable to any damage and it becomes depleted after absorbing 200 points of damage.
  • Legendary Items

    1. Might Power Up: Carrier's damage is amplified permanently until death.
    2. Quicken Power Up: Carrier receives increased jump height and movement speed permanently until death.
    3. Shield Power Up: Carrier receives decreased damage permanently until death.
    4. Vitality Power Up: Carrier receives health regeneration permanently until death.

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