反恐特勤隊特別版 4.0 說明頁面 (Documentation of TOSE 4.0)
--第 07 頁: 讀我檔案 (Page 07: Readme)
選擇語言 (Choose your language):
在初次啟動遊戲前,必須先執行遊戲資料夾中的 "TOSE_StartGame_FirstTime.bat",此設定工具的用途是初始化、還原遊戲預設設定。
若要進行自動設定,輸入 "1";若要取消設定,輸入 "2";若要進行手動設定,輸入 "3"。設定完成後按下任意鍵即可啟動遊戲。
執行遊戲資料夾中的 "TOSE_StartGame.bat" 或 "System\TacticalOps.exe" 即可啟動遊戲。
執行遊戲資料夾中的 "TOSE_StartEditor.bat" 或 "System\UnrealEd.exe" 即可啟動遊戲編輯器。
參考遊戲資料夾中的 "Version.txt"。
-------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Esc | 顯示 / 隱藏遊戲選單 |
F1 | 顯示 / 隱藏分數表 |
F2 | 顯示 / 隱藏伺服器資訊 |
F3 | 顯示 / 隱藏任務目標 |
F4 | 顯示伺服器瀏覽器 |
F5 | 觀察隊友 |
F6 | 顯示 / 隱藏網路狀態 |
F7 | 切換分數表排行方式 |
F8 | 顯示 / 隱藏遊戲介面 |
F9 | 儲存遊戲截圖 |
F10 | 取消連線 |
F11 | 切換亮度 |
F12 | 進入 / 退出全螢幕 |
` | 顯示 / 隱藏控制台 |
1 | 切換至武器 1 (軍刀) |
2 | 切換至武器 2 (手槍) |
3 | 切換至武器 3 (散彈槍、衝鋒槍) |
4 | 切換至武器 4 (步槍、機槍) |
5 | 切換至武器 5 (手榴彈) |
6 | 切換至武器 6 (望遠鏡) |
7 | 切換至武器 7 |
8 | 切換至武器 8 |
9 | 切換至武器 9 |
0 | 切換至武器 10 (C4 炸藥) |
- | 增加遊戲介面資訊 |
= | 減少遊戲介面資訊 |
Tab | 顯示快速控制台 |
Q | 使用物品 |
W | 往前移動 |
E | 使用 |
R | 重新裝填武器 |
T | 丟棄武器 |
Y | 販賣目前武器 |
U | 購買所有彈藥 |
I | 購買所有防護裝備 |
O | 顯示 / 隱藏任務目標 |
P | 忽略訊息 |
[ | 切換至上個物品 |
] | 切換至下個物品 |
\ | 使用物品 |
A | 往左移動 |
S | 往後移動 |
D | 往右移動 |
F | 切換武器射擊模式 |
G | 傳送語音訊息 |
H | 標記隊友 |
J | 購買震撼彈 |
K | 購買閃光彈 |
L | 開啟 / 關閉手電筒 |
; | 嘲諷 1 |
' | 敬禮 |
Shift | 無聲移動 |
Z | 傳送全頻訊息 |
X | 傳送隊頻訊息 |
C | 傳送私密訊息 |
V | 購買目前武器彈藥 |
B | 顯示 / 隱藏購買選單 |
N | 開啟 / 關閉夜視鏡 |
M | 購買高爆手榴彈 |
, | 購買煙霧彈 |
. | 嘲諷 2 |
/ | 揮手 |
Ctrl | 蹲下 |
Space | 跳躍 |
Pause | 暫停遊戲 |
↑ | 往前移動 |
← | 往左移動 |
↓ | 往後移動 |
→ | 往右移動 |
數字鍵 / | 重新開始遊戲 |
數字鍵 * | 結束回合 |
數字鍵 - | 管理員登入 |
數字鍵 7 | 顯示管理員設定介面 (TOST) |
數字鍵 8 | 顯示遊戲設定介面 (TOST) |
數字鍵 9 | 顯示武器設定介面 (TOST) |
數字鍵 + | 管理員登出 |
數字鍵 4 | 播放重播檔 1 |
數字鍵 5 | 播放重播檔 2 |
數字鍵 6 | 播放重播檔 3 |
數字鍵 1 | 錄製重播檔 1 |
數字鍵 2 | 錄製重播檔 2 |
數字鍵 3 | 錄製重播檔 3 |
數字鍵 0 | 停止重播檔 |
數字鍵 . | 顯示投票介面 (TOST) |
Start the Game for the First Time
Before you start the game for the first time, you need to run "TOSE_StartGame_FirstTime.bat" located in the game folder. This configuration tool is used to initialize and reset the game to default settings.
To configure the settings automatically, enter "1". To cancel, enter "2". To configure the settings manually, enter "3". Press any key to start the game when the configuration tool is finished.
Start the Game
Run "TOSE_StartGame.bat" located in the game folder or "System\TacticalOps.exe" to start the game.
Start the Game Editor
Run "TOSE_StartEditor.bat" located in the game folder or "System\UnrealEd.exe" to start the game editor.
Reset the Game to Default Settings
See "Start the Game for the First Time".
Game Version
See "Version.txt" located in the game folder.
Game Controls
-------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Esc | Show / Hide game menu |
F1 | Show / Hide scoreboard |
F2 | Show / Hide server information |
F3 | Show / Hide mission objectives |
F4 | Show server browser |
F5 | Spectate teammates |
F6 | Show / Hide network status |
F7 | Switch scoreboard sorting mode |
F8 | Show / Hide game interface |
F9 | Save screenshot |
F10 | Cancel connection |
F11 | Switch brightness |
F12 | Enter / Exit fullscreen |
` | Show / Hide console |
1 | Switch to weapon 1 (Knife) |
2 | Switch to weapon 2 (Pistol) |
3 | Switch to weapon 3 (Shotgun and submachine gun) |
4 | Switch to weapon 4 (Rifle and machine gun) |
5 | Switch to weapon 5 (Grenade) |
6 | Switch to weapon 6 (Binocular) |
7 | Switch to weapon 7 |
8 | Switch to weapon 8 |
9 | Switch to weapon 9 |
0 | Switch to weapon 10 (C4 explosive) |
- | Increase information shown on game interface |
= | Decrease information shown on game interface |
Tab | Show quick console |
Q | Use inventory |
W | Move forward |
E | Use |
R | Reload weapon |
T | Throw weapon |
Y | Sell current weapon |
U | Buy magazines for all weapons |
I | Buy all armors |
O | Show / Hide mission objectives |
P | Ignore message |
[ | Switch to previous inventory |
] | Switch to next inventory |
\ | Use inventory |
A | Strafe left |
S | Move backward |
D | Strafe right |
F | Switch weapon fire mode |
G | Send voice message |
H | Mark teammates |
J | Buy concussion grenade |
K | Buy flashbang |
L | Turn on / off flashlight |
; | Taunt 1 |
' | Bow |
Shift | Move silently |
Z | Send message |
X | Send team message |
C | Send private message |
V | Buy magazines for current weapon |
B | Show / Hide buy menu |
N | Turn on / off night vision |
M | Buy HE grenade |
, | Buy smoke grenade |
. | Taunt 2 |
/ | Wave |
Ctrl | Crouch |
Space | Jump |
Pause | Pause |
↑ | Move forward |
← | Strafe left |
↓ | Move backward |
→ | Strafe right |
Numpad / | Restart game |
Numpad * | End round |
Numpad - | Log in as administrator |
Numpad 7 | Show administrator tab (TOST) |
Numpad 8 | Show game tab (TOST) |
Numpad 9 | Show weapon tab (TOST) |
Numpad + | Log out of administrator |
Numpad 4 | Play demo 1 |
Numpad 5 | Play demo 2 |
Numpad 6 | Play demo 3 |
Numpad 1 | Record demo 1 |
Numpad 2 | Record demo 2 |
Numpad 3 | Record demo 3 |
Numpad 0 | Stop demo |
Numpad . | Show vote tab (TOST) |
頁面修訂 (Page revision): 20141013