第 04 頁: 遊戲介紹 (Page 04: Introduction)

反恐特勤隊特別版 4.0 說明頁面 (Documentation of TOSE 4.0)
--第 04 頁: 遊戲介紹 (Page 04: Introduction)

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反恐特勤隊是一款以 Unreal Engine 遊戲引擎為基礎所開發的射擊遊戲,進入遊戲的你即將置身於一場非生即死的反恐任務。在這場善良與邪惡的對抗中,加入特種部隊或者恐怖份子的行列將由你自己選擇,但是只有一方能夠獲得最後的勝利。


  • 非生即死的行動
    你的首要目標就是先保全自己的性命! 你走過的每一道門都可能是危險的陷阱、你轉彎的每個角落都可能是致命的錯誤。

  • 加入特種部隊的行列
    拯救人質、殲滅恐怖份子、拆除炸彈、呼叫增援部隊...... 等等。

  • 加入恐怖份子的行列
    看守人質、設置炸彈、破壞通訊設備、滲透逃脫區域、竊取秘密武器...... 等等。

  • 真實的武器、真實的情境
    內建 33 個地圖讓你體驗全然不同的情境、接受各種軍事任務以及處理秘密行動中遭遇的突發狀況。

  • 購買最佳的裝備

  • 團隊合作的重要

  • 加入數千名線上玩家的行列


  • 大幅增進畫面品質
  • 大幅增進音效品質
  • 大幅增進遊戲效能
  • 新增多種遊戲模式
  • 新增多種遊戲變異
  • 最佳化遊戲設定檔
  • 修正原版遊戲錯誤
  • 修正原版地圖錯誤
  • 修正原版安全漏洞
  • 完全相容原版遊戲



The following introduction is excerpted from the official site of Tactical Ops.

Victory at any cost!

Powered by the award-winning Unreal Engine, Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror throws you into the life-and-death world of counterterrorism. Join the Special Forces or the Terrorists in a subversive battle of good versus evil. The side you choose is up to you. In the end, only one can triumph.


  • Constant Life-or-Death Action
    Your goal - stay alive! Every doorway you walk through could be a trap and every corner you turn could be your last.

  • Play as Special Forces
    Rescue Hostages, Eliminate Terrorists, Disarm Bombs, Call for Reinforcements, and much more...

  • Play as Terrorists
    Prevent Hostage Rescue, Plant the Bomb, Sabotage Special Forces Communication, Infiltrate the Escape Zone, Steal the Secret Government Weapon, and much more...

  • Real-life Weapons, Real-life Situations
    Each of the 33 different maps places you in a realistic environment, arms you with standard military issues and puts you in a scenario covert military forces encounter every day.

  • The Best Arsenal Money Can Buy
    Upgrade your gear by purchasing more powerful machine guns, sniper rifles, body armor, grenades and more.

  • Work as a Military Team
    Providing cover and guarding doorways keep fellow team members alive and add to the realism of a true tactical operation.

  • Play with Thousands Online
    Engage in ongoing operations with thousands of skilled combatants around the world or play with your friends locally in a LAN.

Tactical Ops Special Edition has the following additional features:

  • Enhanced video quality
  • Enhanced audio quality
  • Improved performance
  • Added new game modes
  • Added new game mutators
  • Optimized game settings
  • Fixed various game bugs
  • Fixed various map bugs
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities
  • Compatible with the original game

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